Ali reza Niknam


Update: 2025-02-26

Ali reza Niknam

Laser and Plasma Research Institute /

Journal Paper

  1. "Influence of plasma inhomogeneity and ohmic heating on the nonlinear absorption of intense laser pulse in collisional magnetized plasma"
    R. Fallah, R. Khooniki, S. M. Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 64, pp.1-11, 2024
  2. "Characterization of microwave heating for hyperthermia cancer treatment"
    Ali reza Niknam, Shayan Dodge, Mahshad Hajian, Mohammad Ali Ansari
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 34, pp.211-225, 2024
  3. "Hybrid finite-volume-finite-element scheme for 3D simulation of thermal plasma arc configuration"
    Davood Komaizi, Ali reza Niknam
    AIP Advances, Vol. 14, 2024
  4. "Investigation of terahertz radiation generation from laser-wakefield acceleration"
    Mohammad Rezaei, Mohammad Mirzaie, Calin Ioan Hojbota, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi, Ki-Yong Kim, Chang Hee Nam
    AIP Advances, Vol. 14, 2024
  5. "Molecular dynamics simulations of Ar+ bombardment of Fe(0,0,1), (1,0,1), and (1,1,1) surfaces: Study of threshold energy and angular characteristics of sputtering"
    Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam, Mahdi Rahimi ghahyazi, Azam Moradkhani
    VACUUM, Vol. 215, 2023
  6. "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Electromagnetic Filamentation Instability in a Collisional Current-Driven Quantum Plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mehrzad Ghorbani, Mehdi Solaimani
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 51, pp.3725-3730, 2023
  7. "Effects of Collisionless and Collisional Plasma Characteristics on the Transport Mechanism of Nitrogen Ions in Nitrided Austenitic Stainless Steel"
    Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam
  8. "Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration with Polarization-Dependent Ionization Injection"
    Mohammad Rezaei, Mohammad Mirzaie, Calin Ioan Hojbota, Tae Gyu Pak, Sang Beom Kim, Geon Woo Lee, Reza Massudi, Ali reza Niknam, Seong Ku Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Chang Hee Nam
    Physical Review Applied, Vol. 20, 2023
  9. "Slipping instability of an inhomogeneous relativistic electron beam"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 30, 2023
  10. "Numerical study of electron acceleration driven by two-color laser pulses"
    Javad Sharifzadeh Tabrizi, S. M. Khorashadizadeh, Reza Fallah, Ali reza Niknam
    AIP Advances, Vol. 13, 2023
  11. "Jeans gravitational instability in a collisional nonextensive dusty plasma with polarization force"
    Ali reza Niknam, M. S. Sayyed Hasani, E. Rastbood, Sh. Abbasi Rostami, S. M. Khorashadizadeh
    INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 97, pp.1605-1612, 2023
  12. "Optical imaging and magnetic field simulation of a DC circular planar magnetron sputtering discharge"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Mostafa Salahshoor
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Vol. 17, 2023
  13. "Electron-exchange and viscosity effects on propagation of surface plasmons in semi-bounded quantum plasmas"
    M Taghadosi, S Taheri Boroujeni, S M Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 97, pp.1-10, 2023
  14. "Effect of shape and asymmetry of the voltage pulse on plasma sheath dynamics"
    Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Ali reza Niknam
  15. "Particle in cell simulations of the pulsed plasma sheath: Dependence on pulse parameters"
    Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Komaizi
  16. "Controlling the characteristics of injected and accelerated electron bunch in corrugated plasma channel by temporally asymmetric laser pulses"
    Mahsa Sedaghat, Arham Amouye Foumani, Ali reza Niknam
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, 2022
  17. "Quasi-phase-matched laser wakefield acceleration of electrons in an axially density-modulated plasma channel"
    Mahsa Sedaghat, Sahar Barzegar, Ali reza Niknam
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, 2021
  18. "Controlled electron injection into beam driven plasma wakefield accelerators employing a co-propagating laser pulse"
    Sahar Barzegar, Mahsa Sedaghat, Ali reza Niknam
  19. "An improved technique based on microwave thermoacoustic method for breast cancer screening"
    Saeid Alikhani, Mehrdad Zarei, Mohammad Ali Ansari, Ali reza Niknam
  20. "Dispersion properties and beam excitation of symmetric slow waves in helix traveling wave tubes in the presence of plasma"
    M. Vafaei, M. Nejati, A. Abdoli-Arani, Ali reza Niknam
  21. "Time-resolved evolution of collisional transient sheath in plasma source ion implantation"
    Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol. 96, 2021
  22. "Magnetically tuned hybrid resonance emission of terahertz waves from the interaction of intense laser beams with warm collisional inhomogeneous plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohsen Joodaki, Ali Abdolmaleki, Mahsa Sedaghat, H. Saberi, Mohammadreza Banjafar, Fazel Jahangiri
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. ., 2021
  23. "Atomistic simulation of ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of metals with single and double pulses: An investigation of the re-deposition phenomenon"
    Arham Amouye Foumani, Daniel J. F?rster, Hossein Ghorbanfekr, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, Ali reza Niknam
  24. "Laser pulse-electron beam synergy effect on electron self-injection and higher energy gain in laser wakefield accelerators"
    Sahar Barzegar, Ali reza Niknam
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, 2021
  25. "Effects of two-temperature nonextensive electrons on ion-acoustic double layers"
    M.M. Hatami, Ali reza Niknam
  26. "Effects of relativistic and ponderomotive nonlinearities on the interaction of high-power laser beam with an inhomogeneous warm plasma"
    Reza Fallah, Reza Khooniki, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 61, pp.1-11, 2021
  27. "Quasilinear dynamics of ordinary mode electromagnetic cyclotron instability driven by the interaction of rotating electron beam with magnetized plasma"
    Sh Abbasi Rostami, S M Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
  28. "Influence of flying mirror features and time delay between two counterpropagating laser pulses on the generated attosecond pulse intensity in near-critical density plasmas"
    Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Komaizi
    AIP Advances, Vol. 10, 2020
  29. "Terahertz cherenkov radiation excited by an electron beam in a cylindrical metallic rippled-wall waveguide"
    F. Asadiamiri, Jalil Ali, Mahdi Bahadoran, K. Chaudhary, P.P. Yupapin, M. Nejati, Ali reza Niknam
    OPTIK, Vol. 208, 2020
  30. "Dispersion characteristics of terahertz transverse electric mode in a smooth-wall cylindrical waveguide with a degenerate plasma layer"
    F. Asadiamiri, M. Nejati, K. Chaudhary, M. Baboli, J. Ali, P. P. Yupapin, Ali reza Niknam
  31. "Analysis of filamentation instability in a current-carrying plasma using meshless method of lines coupled with radial basis functions"
    Ali reza Niknam, M. Ghorbani, M. Solaimani
    PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 384, 2020
  32. "Rotating ion beam effects on temperature gradient instability in completely ionized plasmas"
    S. M. Khorashadizadeh, S. Abbasi, Ali reza Niknam, S. Vasheghani Farahani, R. Fallah
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 102, 2020
  33. "Amplitude enhancement of plasma wakefield by interaction of relativistic Gaussian electron beam with inhomogeneous magnetized plasma"
    J. Sharifzadeh Tabrizi, S. M. Khorashadizadeh, R. Fallah, Ali reza Niknam
    AIP Advances, Vol. 10, 2020
  34. "Electron-exchange and correlation effects on filamentation instability of a high-density current-driven plasma"
    M. R. Taghadosi, Ali reza Niknam, S. M. Khorashadizadeh
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 27, 2020
  35. "Terahertz radiation emission from three-color laser-induced air plasma"
    Hajar Alirezaee, Mehdi Sharifian, Seyyed Mohammad Reza Darbani, Masoud Saeed, Abdollah Eslami Majd, Ali reza Niknam
    European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 135, 2020
  36. "Interaction of counterstreaming rotating electron-positron beams with inhomogeneous electron-ion plasma"
    S. Abbasi, S. M. Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 26, 2019
  37. "Simulation of thermoacoustic resonance response of tumor by finite element method"
    Saeid Alikhani, Mohammad Ali Ansari, Ali reza Niknam
  38. "Optimizing the electron acceleration in vacuum by chirped ultrashort laser pulse using particle swarm method"
    Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam
    LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, Vol. 37, pp.242-251, 2019
  39. "Attosecond pulse generation by relativistic flying mirrors in laser-plasma interaction: Effect of plasma density and driver amplitude on the generated pulse"
    Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Komaizi, Mohammadreza Banjafar
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 26, 2019
  40. "Longitudinal wave instability due to rotating beam-plasma interaction in weakly turbulent astrophysical plasmas"
    S M Khorashadizadeh, Sh Abbasi Rostami, Ali reza Niknam, S Vasheghani Farahani, R Fallah
  41. "Using an alpha magnet to compress the electron bunches from a photocathode RF gun"
    Ali Rajabi, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 14, 2019
  42. "The influence of static magnetic field on nonlinear response of a plasma background in the presence of two laser beams with different profiles (Hermite-and Languerre-Gaussian)"
    samaneh Safari, Bahram Jazi, Ali reza Niknam, Fazel Jahangiri
    LASER PHYSICS, Vol. 29, 2019
  43. "Resonance absorption of intense short laser pulse in near critical inhomogeneous plasma"
    M. Hashemzadeh, S. M. Baki, M. Momeni, Ali reza Niknam
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 29, pp.215-226, 2019
  44. "Thermal effects on longitudinal waves instabilities in rotating beam-plasma interaction"
    Mahmood Jouhary, Seid Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 25, 2018
  45. "Dissipative instability of longitudinal wave in interaction between spiral electron beam and warm collisional magnetized plasma"
    mahmood jouhary, seyd mohammad Khorashadizadeh, masood Barati Moqadam Niyat, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 25, 2018
  46. "Terahertz radiation generation through the nonlinear interaction of Hermite and Laguerre Gaussian laser beams with collisional plasma Field profile optimization"
    Samaneh Safari, Ali reza Niknam, Fazel Jahangiri, Bahram Jazi
  47. "Effect of temporal asymmetry of the laser pulse on electron acceleration in vacuum"
    Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 429, pp.46-52, 2018
  48. "Terahertz Dyakonov plasmon surface waves supported by a plasma/TiO2 interface"
    Mostafa Moradi, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 98, 2018
  49. "Atomistic simulation of femtosecond laser pulse interactions with a copper film Effect of dependency of penetration depth and reflectivity on electron temperature"
    Arham Amouye Foumani, Ali reza Niknam
  50. "Propagation of surface waves in a spin 1/2 magnetized collisional quantum plasma half-space"
    Saeed Majedi, Seid Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 133, pp.1-7, 2018
  51. "Terahertz Dyakonov surface waves in plasma metamaterials"
    Mostafa Moradi, Ali reza Niknam
    OPTICS LETTERS, Vol. 43, pp.519-522, 2018
  52. "Spin effect on propagation of surface waves in a magneto-active quantum plasma"
    syed mohammad Khorashadizadeh, saeed majedi, Ali reza Niknam
    CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 58, pp.820-826, 2018
  53. "Skull and cerebrospinal fluid effects on microwave radiation propagation in human brain"
    Mohammad Ali Ansari, , Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Ali reza Niknam
  54. "Nonlinear space charge dynamics and modulational instability in the interaction of intense laser pulses with electron-positron plasmas"
    Mojtaba Hashemzadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 24, 2017
  55. "Effect of gas mixing on physical properties of warm collisional helicon plasmas"
    Mojtaba Kabir, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 24, 2017
  56. "Modification of electromagnetic fields and plasma resistance by thermal effects in helicon plasmas"
    Mojtaba Kabir, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 24, 2017
  57. "Wakefield evolution and electron acceleration in interaction of frequency-chirped laser pulse with inhomogeneous plasma"
    Mohammad Rezaei, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi, Fazel Jahangiri, H. Hassaninejad, S. M. Khorashadizadeh
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 24, 2017
  58. "Analytical study of effects of positron density and temperature anisotropy on electrostatic ion cyclotron instability"
    masoud Barati Moqadam Niyat, seyd mohammad khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 24, 2017
  59. "Electrostatic ion cyclotron instability in a plasma with q-nonextensive distributions"
    Barati Moqadam Niyat masoud, Khorashadizadeh seyd mohammad, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 23, 2016
  60. "Evolution of a Gaussian laser beam in warm collisional magnetoplasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 23, 2016
  61. "Response to Comment on Propagation of surface waves on a semi-bounded quantum magnetized collisional plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 23, 2016
  62. "Resonant terahertz radiation from warm collisional inhomogeneous plasma irradiated by two Gaussian laser beams"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohammadreza Banjafar, Fazel Jahangiri, Sahar Barzegar, Reza Massudi
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 23, 2016
  63. "Numerical analysis of electrostatic ion cyclotron instability in an electron-positron-ion plasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 23, 2016
  64. "A new version of fermion coupled coherent states method Theory and applications in simulation of two-electron systems"
    Mohammadreza Eidi, , Ali reza Niknam,
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 653, pp.60-66, 2016
  65. "Self similar solution of superradiant amplification of ultrashort laser pulses in plasma"
    Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  66. "Dielectric permittivity tensor and low frequency instabilities of a magnetoactive current-driven plasma with nonextensive distribution"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  67. "Complex plasma in g B configurations Stability switching and stationary structure"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  68. "Collisional effects on the modulational instability of intense laser pulses in magnetoactive plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, Sahar Barzegar, , ,
    LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, Vol. 33, pp.705-711, 2015
  69. "Nonlinear interaction between surface plasmons and ion oscillations in a semi-bounded collisional quantum plasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  70. "Nonlinear dynamics of filamentation instability and current filament merging in a high density current-driven plasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol. 170, pp.945-955, 2015
  71. "Spatiotemporal evolution of high power laser pulses in relativistic magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas"
    , Ali reza Niknam, Ehsan Imani
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  72. "Optimizing chirped laser pulse parameters for electron acceleration in vacuum"
    Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
  73. "Kinetic theory of the filamentation instability in a collisional current-driven plasma with nonextensive distribution"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 22, 2015
  74. "Effect of nonextensive velocity distribution on the filamentation instability in a current-driven dusty plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, , ,
    ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, Vol. 357:50, pp.1-7, 2015
  75. "Weakly relativistic and space charge effects in interaction of high-power microwave with plasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 25, pp.131-140, 2015
  76. "Ohmic heating and space charge effects in microwave-plasma interaction"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, Vol. 33, pp.87-95, 2015
  77. "Filamentation instability in a current-carrying plasma in the presence of quantum effects"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 55, pp.315-320, 2015
  78. "Plasma immersion ion implantation characteristics with q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution"
    , Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 81, pp.1-13, 2015
  79. "Filamentation instability of nonextensive current-driven plasma in the ion acoustic frequency range"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  80. "Increasing the upper-limit intensity in relativistic and ponderomotive self-focusing by using plasma with a linear electron temperature ramp"
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam,
  81. "External magnetic field effect on the sheath dynamics and implantation profiles in the vicinity of a long step shaped target in plasma immersion ion implantation"
    , Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, , Saeed Ghasemi, Ali reza Niknam
    VACUUM, Vol. 101, pp.354-359, 2014
  82. "Dust magneto-gravitational drift wave in g B configuration"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  83. "Weakly relativistic and ponderomotive effects on self-focusing and self-compression of laser pulses in near critical plasmas"
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  84. "Effect of nuclear motion on high-order -harmonic generation of H 2 in intense ultrashort laser pulses"
    , , , Ali reza Niknam,
    PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 90, 2014
  85. "Electromagnetic modeling of the energy distribution of a metallic cylindrical parabolic reflector covered with a magnetized plasma layer"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohammadreza Khaje Mirzaei, , , ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  86. "Particle in cell simulations of Buneman instability of a current-driven plasma with q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution"
    Ali reza Niknam, Homa Roozbahani, , Davood Kamizi
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  87. "Ponderomotive self-focusing of Gaussian laser beam in warm collisional plasma"
    , Ali reza Niknam,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  88. "Modulational instability of electromagnetic waves in a collisional quantum magnetoplasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, , ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  89. "Effect of the q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution on a magnetized plasma sheath"
    , Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, pp.821111-821117, 2014
  90. "Characteristics of Positive Ions in the Sheath Region of Magnetized Collisional Electronegative Discharges"
    , Ali reza Niknam
    PLASMA SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 16, pp.1-5, 2014
  91. "Nonlinear Steepening of Density Profile by Intense Laser Radiation in Collisional Inhomogeneous Plasmas"
    , Ali reza Niknam, Bentolhoda Bokaei,
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 42, pp.1353-1357, 2014
  92. "Increasing the upper-limit intensity and temperature range for thermal self-focusing of a laser beam by using plasma density ramp-up"
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  93. "Weibel instability for a streaming electron counterstreaming e-e and e-p plasmas with intrinsic temperature anisotropy"
    Mohammad Ghorbanalilu, sina sadeghzadeh, , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  94. "Particle in cell simulation of low frequency instability in a current carrying plasma in the presence of negative ions"
    , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  95. "Dust gravitational drift wave in complex plasma under gravity"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 21, 2014
  96. "Effect of q-non-extensive distribution of electrons on the plasma sheath floating potential"
    , , , Ali reza Niknam
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 80, pp.607-618, 2014
  97. "Temperature Effect on Self-Focusing and Defocusing of Gaussian Laser Beam Propagation Through Plasma in Weakly Relativistic Regime"
    , Ali reza Niknam, Bentolhoda Bokaee
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 42, pp.742-747, 2014
  98. "Energy Distribution Along the Focal Axis of a Metallic Cylindrical Parabolic Reflector Covered With a Plasma Layer"
    Bahram jazi , Bahareh Davoudi-Rahaghi, Mohammadreza Khaje Mirzaei, Ali reza Niknam
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 42, pp.286-292, 2014
  99. "Turning point temperature and competition between relativistic and ponderomotive effects in self-focusing of laser beam in plasma"
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  100. "Acceleration of dust grains by means of the high energy ion beam"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 377, pp.2368-2372, 2013
  101. "Propagation of surface waves on a semi-bounded quantum magnetized collisional plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, saeed Taheri Boroujeni, Seid Mohammad Khorashadizadeh
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  102. "PIC Simulation of Current-Driven Buneman Instability in Presence of Collisional and Thermal Effects"
    Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Kamizi
    CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 53, pp.580-587, 2013
  103. "Particle in cell simulation of relativistic Buneman instability in a current-carrying plasma"
    Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Kamizi
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 23, pp.383-395, 2013
  104. "Numerical simulation of pulsed plasma sheath dynamics around a micro-sized tip"
    Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Abolfazl Mahmoodpoor, Hossein Goudarzi, Ali reza Niknam
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 79, pp.759-764, 2013
  105. "Acceleration of positrons by a relativistic electron beam in the presence of quantum effects"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  106. "Self-focusing and stimulated Brillouin back-scattering of a long intense laser pulse in a finite temperature relativistic plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Sahar Barzegar,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  107. "Microwave ponderomotive action on the inhomogeneous collisionless and collisional plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, Najmeh Akhlaghypoor
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 23, pp.183-199, 2013
  108. "Nonlinear interaction of intense electromagnetic waves with a magnetoactive electron-positron-ion plasma"
    , , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  109. "Formation of current filaments and magnetic field generation in a quantum current-carrying plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, , ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 20, 2013
  110. "Space Charge and Ponderomotive Force Effects in Interaction of High-Power Microwave With Plasma"
    , , Ali reza Niknam
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 41, pp.3094-3098, 2013
  111. "Weakly relativistic and ponderomotive effects in interaction of intense laser beam with inhomogeneous collisionless and collisional plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohammad reza Jafari Milani, Bentolhoda Bokaei, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dehaghani
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 24, pp.1-18, 2013
  112. "Ion beam driven instabilities in unmagnetized and strongly magnetized plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 22, pp.356-369, 2012
  113. "Theoretical study of the surface waves in semi-bounded quantum collisional plasmas"
    , , , Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 19, 2012
  114. "Simulation of filamentation instability of a current-carrying plasma by particle in cell method"
    Ali reza Niknam, Parisa Sadat Mostafavi, Davood Kamizi, Mostafa Salahshoor
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 19, 2012
  115. "Fundamentals of slot antenna designing for application in surface wave plasma sources"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohammad Menati, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani, Mohammadmahdi Zahedi
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 40, pp.470-480, 2012
  116. "Low-frequency instabilities in the interaction of ion beam with magnetized plasma"
    , Ali reza Niknam,
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 40, pp.429-437, 2012
  117. "Study of nonlinear dynamics of the filamentation instability in a current-carrying plasma using adomian decomposition method"
    Babak Mohammadhosseini, Ali reza Niknam, Saeed Majedi, Babak Shokri
  118. "Influence of thermal and collisional effects on the dielectric permittivity tensor in a multi layer plasma waveguide with elliptical cross section"
    , Ali reza Niknam,
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 40, pp.414-420, 2012
  119. "Filamentation instability of current-driven dust ion-acoustic waves in a collisional dusty plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, ,
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 18, 2011
  120. "Self-focusing of intense high frequency electromagnetic waves in a collisional magnetoactive plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, , , , Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 18, 2011
  121. "Dust-acoustic filamentation of a current-driven dusty plasma"
    S. M. Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam, Tayebeh Haghtalab
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 18, 2011
  122. "Simulation of low frequency Buneman instability of a current-driven plasma by particle in cell method"
    Ali reza Niknam, Davood Kamizi, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 18, 2011
  123. "Generation and amplification of terahertz electromagnetic waves in a plasma waveguide with a dielectric rod and an annular degenerate plasma"
    Hassan Tashakori, Ali reza Niknam
    Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 20, pp.472-490, 2010
  124. "Numerical Investigation of the Ponderomotive Force Effect in an Underdense Plasma With a Linear Density Profile"
    Ali reza Niknam
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 38, pp.2390-2393, 2010
  125. "evolution of non-resonant buneman instability with a negative diffusion equation"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol. 82, 2010
  126. "spatial and temporal evolution of filamentation instability in current-carrying plasmas"
    Babak Mohammadhosseini, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 17, 2010
  127. "cheracteristics of ions in a magnetized plasma sheath with two species"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    VACUUM, Vol. 83, pp.5231-5234, 2009
  128. "Investigation of spatiotemporal behavior of the plasma density during the development of the thermocurrent instability"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam, A Aliakbari
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 16, 2009
  129. "chemical kinetics simulation of deposition and sp2/sp3 bond ratio of diamond - like carbon film in plasma"
    Babak Shokri, Maziar Sahba Yaghmaie, Abdollah Sarani, Ali reza Niknam
    VACUUM, Vol. 83, pp.5140-5144, 2009
  130. "Characterization of copper oxide nanolayers deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol. 517, pp.5464-5467, 2009
  131. "Weakly relativistic and ponderomotive effects on the density steepening in the interaction of an intense laser pulse with an underdense plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dehaghani, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 16, 2009
  132. "Nonlinear dynamics of the filamentation of the resistive instability of a current-carrying plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 74, pp.319-326, 2008
  133. "Collisional effects in magnetized plasma sheath with two species of positive ions"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
  134. "magnetized plasma sheath withtwo species of positive ions"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 15, 2008
  135. "Numerical investigation of the magnetized plasma shrath chracteristics in the presence of negative ions"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 15, 2008
  136. "Low-frequency discharge plasma instabilities in the presence of the external constant electric and magnetic fields"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 74, pp.35-46, 2008
  137. "Nonlinear filamentation of a current-carrying plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 15, pp.1-4, 2008
  138. "Nonlinear thermocurrent beam instability of a weakly ionized plasma"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri, A.A RUKHADZE
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 15, pp.1-5, 2008
  139. "The Effect of Two surface Treatments on the Tribological Behavior of Gamma-Based Titanium aluminides"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 4, pp.5761-5765, 2007
  140. "density steepening formation in the interaction of microwave field with a plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 14, 2007
  141. "Low-frequency temperature-dependent plasma discharge instabilities in the presence of external constant electric and magnetic fields"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, Vol. 74, pp.35-46, 2007
  142. "Nonlinear regime of the filamentation of a microwave produced plasma"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 13, pp.1-5, 2007
  143. "Effects of potential and duration of pulse width on sheath dynamics related to a target with a groove in two-dimensional simulation"
    Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, , Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 100, pp.1-5, 2006
  144. "Nonlinear structure of the electromagnetic waves in underdense plasmas"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 13, pp.1-5, 2006
  145. "Nonlinear dynamic of low-frequency Buneman instability of a current-driven plasma"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 12, pp.1-3, 2005
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, Vol. 47, pp.1805-1816, 2005
  147. "Kinetic theory of low-frequency instability of discharge plasma"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 12, 2005
  148. "Ionization processes in the ultrashort intense laser field interaction with large clusters"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam, M Smirnov
    LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, Vol. 22, pp.45-50, 2004
  149. "Cluster structure effects on the interaction of an ultrashort intense laser field with large clusters"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam, V Krainov
    LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, Vol. 22, pp.13-18, 2004
  150. "Discharge plasma instabilities in the presence of an external constant electric field"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol. 10, pp.4153-4161, 2003
  151. ""
    M Ebdaei, , Ali reza Niknam, Babak Mohammad Hosseini
    Vol. 18, pp.671-681, 2019
  152. ""
    Mina Akhyani, Mohammad Rezaei, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    Vol. 17, pp.293-298, 2017

Conference Paper

  1. "Investigation of 30nm argon cluster dynamics in interaction with femtosecond laser pulse based on modified Nano plasma model"
    Sedighe al-Sadat Tabaee Aghdaee, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , No 29 , pp.408-411, 2023
  2. "Microwave reflection transmission and absorption by human brain tissue"
    Mohammad Ali Ansari, Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Ali reza Niknam
    Saratov Fall Meeting SFM17-International Symposium, 2017
  3. "Estimating the Final Energy Gain of Electron in a Gaussian Laser Field Using Plane Wave Approximation"
    DANIAL AKBARY, Fazel Jahangiri, Mina Akhyani, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , pp.617-620, 2017
  4. "Dynamics of THz angular distribution radiated from air plasma produced by two-color laser pulses"
    Mortaza Karimi, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    fourth international conference on millimeter-wave and terahertz technologies, pp.65-68, 2016
  5. "Effects of pulse frequency chirping and plasma inhomogeneity on laser wakefield"
    Mohammad Rezaei, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    The 7th Asian Summer School and Symposium on Laser-Plasma Acceleration and Radiation, No 7 , pp.1-1, 2016
  6. "Electron acceleration in vacuum by optimized nonlinearly chirped laser pulse"
    Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    17th International Conference Laser Optics 2016, 2016
  7. "Simulation of femtosecond laser pulse interaction with Aluminum target using TTM-MD model"
    Ali reza Niknam, Arham Amouye Foumani, Saharsadat Shariati
    The Asian Symposium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(ASLIBS 2015), No 1 , pp.42-42, 2015
  8. "Characteristics of multi-component plasma sheath consisting two species of warm positive ions"
    Ali reza Niknam
    VII International Conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-7), pp.54-57, 2012
  9. "Nonlinear propagation of an intense microwave beam in an inhomogeneous plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Najmeh Akhlaghypoor
    VII International Conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-7), pp.274-278, 2012
  10. "investigation of the elecric field around a carbon nanotube tip in pulsed plasma sheat"
    Hossein Goudarzi, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam
    plasma science and application, 2012
  11. "Density profile modification in interaction of high power laser pulse with a collisional inhomogeneous plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Bentolhoda Bokaei, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani
    EMSLIBS 2011, 2011
  12. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  13. "Study on distribution of the electric field around an aligned nanotube in pulsed plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition"
    Hossein Goudarzi, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam
    IX workshop on frontiers in loww temperature plasma diagnostics, 2011
  14. "theorical analysis of direct current glow discharge plasma in a coaxial structure"
    Ali reza Niknam
    63 th gaseous electronics conference, 2010
  15. ""
    Ali reza Niknam, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani,
    , 2010
  16. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2010
    Ali reza Niknam, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani,
    icnsp 09 ( 21st International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas 2009, 2009
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
  20. "Modeling and experimental measurement of the thickness of cuprous oxide nanolayers deposited on glass by dc reactive"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    11th International confrence on plasma surface engineering- PSE, 2008
  21. "Magnetized plasma sheath dynamics in plasma source ion"
    Mohammadreza Rezaee, Ali reza Niknam, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Hamin Latifi
    35th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science(ICOPS 2008), 2008
  22. "Characteristics of ions in a magnetized plasma sheath with tow species of positive"
    Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons (ION2008), 2008
  23. "Chemical kinetics simulation of deposition and SP3/SP2 bond ratio of diamond like carbon film in plasma medium"
    Babak Shokri, Maziar Sahba Yaghmaie, Ali reza Niknam
    Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons (ION2008), pp.101-101, 2008
  24. "Chemical kinetics simulation of diamond like carbon film deposition in plasma medium and its biocompatibility feature"
    Babak Shokri, Maziar Sahba Yaghmaie, Ali reza Niknam
    Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons (ION2008), 2008
  25. "Study and fabrication of aluminium oxide ceramic layers via modified plasma electrolytic oxidation"
    Sara Babaei, Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    International materials research conference (MRS), 2008
  26. "Weld pool simulation in the electric are interaction with different anode materials"
    Seyfollah Toroghi, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons (ION2008), 2008
  27. "Low temperature deposion of nano sized diamond like carbon"
    Babak Shokri, Seyed Iman Hosseini, Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar
    2nd international meeting on developments in materials processes applications of nanotechnology, 2008
  28. "Deposition of methyl methacrylate nanolayers on silica gel prticles by microwave plasma polymerization"
    Babak Shokri, Seyed Iman Hosseini, Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar
    2nd international meeting on developments in materials processes applications of nanotechnology, 2008
  29. "Production of nanocrysalline aluminium oxide layers through a modified pulsed dc plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri,
    2nd international meeting on developments in materials processes applications of nanotechnology, 2008
  30. "Thickness measurment of dc magnetron sputered nano layers of copper oxide"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    2nd international meeting on developments in materials processes applications of nanotechnology, 2008
  31. "plasma enhanced cvd of grapite nano particles from methane at low temperatures"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri, Mojtaba Kabir
    2nd international meeting on developments in materials processes applications of nanotechnology, 2008
  32. "The radial electric field profiles of a symmetric surface wave in a coaxial plasma waveguide"
    Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar, Babak Shokri
    The sixth asian-european internaional conference on plasma suface engineering, 2007
  33. "Friction and indentation tests on the modified surface of titanium aluminides"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    The sixth asian-european internaional conference on plasma suface engineering, 2007
  34. "The Fields distribution of a symmetric surface wave in a non-thermal plasma in a co-axial structure"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma science Conference, 2007
  35. "The field distribution of a symmetric surface wave in a non-isothermal plasma in a co-axial tructure"
    Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar, Babak Shokri
    IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma science Conference, 2007
  36. "Ponderomotive modification of the electron density distribution in the interaction of high power microwave field with a plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma science Conference, 2007
  37. "Nonlinear dynamic of the magnetic field generation in a plasma produced by microwave"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    The Megagauss XI conference, 2006
  38. "Tribological behavior of surface treated Gamma based Titanium Aluminides"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE), 2006
  39. "surface modification by various gas discharge plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar, Babak Shokri
    7th surface engineering and heat treatment congress, 2006
  40. "effect of magnetron plasma parameters on the sputterd thin films of copper"
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    7th Surface engineering and heat treatment congress, 2006
  41. "Steepening of the electron density in the interaction of laser with a plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    Second IPM international workshop on plasma dynamics, 2006
  42. "Dynamic of the Magnetic Field Generation in a Plasma Produced by Microwave"
    Ali reza Niknam
    the Megagauss XI conference, 2006
  43. "Effect of an oblique magnetic field on a plasma sheath consisting two-species positive ions"
    Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    13th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 2006
  44. "Nonlinear propagation of high frequency electromagnetic wave into the underdense plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    13th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 2006
  45. "Diamond deposition by arc plasma jet for mechanical seals"
    Babak Shokri, Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam, Maryam Mirzaei Kajani, Seyedeh Khadijeh Alavi Andarajami
  46. "Nonlinear negative diffusion process in nonlinear regime of the thermocurrent instability"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
  47. "steepening of profile electron density in nonlinear regime of the buneman instability"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
  48. "Study of the nonresonant Buneman instability throughout the negative diffiusion equation"
    Ali reza Niknam
    57th Gaseous electronics conference, pp.1-1, 2004
  49. "On the study of ion mass in the collisionless magnetized plasma sheath"
    Ali reza Niknam
    57th Gaseous electronics conference, 2004
  50. "Temperature and density gradient effects in surface wave-sustained plasma columns"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics(ICPP), 2004
  51. "Electric field distribution in non-isothermal plasma column"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    Vth International Workshop on Microwave Discharges, 2003
  52. "Radial electric field in surfatron produced plasma"
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam
    ICPIG XXVI, 2003
  53. "Simulation of the effect of dielectric properties on ion current density in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) by particle in cell (PIC) method"
    Maede Rahmani ghahderijani, Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam
    The 6th Iranian Conference on Computational Physics, No 6 , pp.137-140, 2024
  54. "Particle-in-cell simulation of ion current density in the plasma sheath of high-frequency electric discharge"
    Maede Rahmani ghahderijani, Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam
    The 6th Iranian Conference on Computational Physics, No 6 , pp.133-136, 2024
  55. "Design and simulation of T-shaped waveguide with plasma switching capability in S-band using CST software"
    Javad Taghinejad, Maede Rahmani ghahderijani, Ali reza Niknam
    The 6th Iranian Conference on Computational Physics, No 6 , pp.85-88, 2024
  56. "Effect of non-uniform magnetic field on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma slab"
    Atefeh Esmaeili Karnaveh, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    10th Iranian Plasma Engineering and Plasma Physics Conference, No 10 , 2023
  57. "Molecular dynamics simulation of iron sputtering phenomenon with argon plasma"
    Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam
    10th Iranian Plasma Engineering and Plasma Physics Conference, No 10 , 2023
  58. "Molecular dynamics simulation of surface sputtering of water by oxygen ion"
    Maryam Rostamian Omran, Mona Hatami, Ali reza Niknam
    10th Iranian Plasma Engineering and Plasma Physics Conference, No 10 , 2023
  59. "The effect of voltage pulse shape on the plasma sheath dynamics and ion current density at the cathode surface"
    Najmeh Akhlaghipour, Maede Rahmani ghahderijani, Ali reza Niknam
    10th Iranian Plasma Engineering and Plasma Physics Conference, No 10 , 2023
  60. "Investigation of electrostatic perturbations in interaction between two counterstreaming plasma beams"
    Fatemeh Abbasi, Mohammad Mohsen Hatami, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 9 , pp.11-15, 2022
  61. "Particle in cell simulation of electron acceleration in the wakefields of two-color femtosecond laser pulses"
    Melika Asghari, Mahdi Lashgari, Davood Komaizi, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 9 , pp.278-281, 2022
  62. "Effect of external magnetic field on self-focusing of chirped laser beam in homogeneous plasma"
    Ehsan Gholipour, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 9 , pp.526-529, 2022
  63. "Particle in cell simulation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in the interaction of two counter-propagating laser pulses with under-dense plasma"
    Mahdi Lashgari, Melika Asghari, Davood Komaizi, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 9 , pp.282-285, 2022
  64. "The effect of laser intensity and electron temperature on the inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in homogeneous warm plasma"
    Reza Khuniki, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 9 , pp.503-506, 2022
  65. "Investigation of longitudinal waves in beam-plasma interaction in the ultra-relativistic regime"
    Somayeh Ghaderi Nasab, Seyed Mohammad khorashadizadeh, Reza Fallah, Ali reza Niknam
    , pp.369-372, 2022
  66. "Applications of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation method in plasma physics"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2022
  67. "Nitrogen diffusion mechanism in plasma nitriding process of austenitic stainless steel"
    Javad Taghinejad, Ali reza Niknam, Ahmadreza Rastkar
    , No 10 , pp.27-32, 2022
  68. "Molecular dynamics simulation of iron sputtering by He, Ne, and Ar ions"
    Mahdi Rahimi ghahyazi, Azam Moradkhani, Arham Amouye Foumani, Ali reza Niknam
    8th conference on plasma engineering and plasma physics, No 8 , pp.458-461, 2021
  69. "Terahertz radiation generation using beat wave of two Gaussian lasers interacting with warm, collisional and magnetized plasma with periodic density inhomogeneity"
    Ali reza Niknam, Mohsen Joodaki, Ali Abdolmaleki, Mahsa Sedaghat, Hossein Saberi, Fazel Jahangiri
    8th conference on plasma engineering and plasma physics, No 8 , pp.549-552, 2021
  70. "Investigation of the chirp effect on the self-focusing of Gaussian beam in cold magnetized plasma"
    Ehsan Gholipour, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    8th conference on plasma engineering and plasma physics, No 8 , pp.254-257, 2021
  71. "Optimization of the effects of initial seed amplitude and plasma length on the amplification coefficient of stimulated Raman backscattering"
    Rouhollah Khalili boroujeni, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Komaizi, Hoda Moghadasin
    8th conference on plasma engineering and plasma physics, No 8 , pp.480-483, 2021
  72. "Particle-in-cell simulation of physical characteristics of plasma in Hall thruster chamber"
    Paria Abouhamzeh, Fatemeh Asadi, Ali reza Niknam
    8th conference on plasma engineering and plasma physics, No 8 , pp.359-363, 2021
  73. "Investigation of the Temporal Profile Effect of Femtosecond Laser Pulse on Electron Acceleration in Argon Cluster"
    Raziyeh Dadashi Motlagh, Mohammad Rezaei, Atoosa Sadat Arabanian, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    26th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2020) and the 12th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2020), pp.177-180, 2020
  74. "Study of skin tissue heating by microwave radiation"
    Mahshad Hajian, Mohammad Ali Ansari, Ali reza Niknam
    26th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2020) and the 12th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2020), No 26 , pp.569-572, 2020
  75. "Self-focusing of Gaussian laser beams in magnetized inhomogeneous plasma"
    Ehsan Gholipour, reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    26th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2020) and the 12th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2020), No 26 , pp.977-980, 2020
  76. "Effect of relativistic ponderomotive force on propagation of high-power laser pulse in inhomogenious warm plasma"
    Reza Khuniki, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    7th conference on engineering and physics of plasma, No 7 , pp.480-484, 2019
  77. "Quasi-linear theory to study the temoral evolution of the longitudinal wave driven by rotating electron beam-plasma interaction"
    Shayan Abbasi Rostami, Sara Abbasi, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    7th conference on engineering and physics of plasma, No 7 , pp.286-289, 2019
  78. "Investigation of gradient drift instability in spatially inhomogenious magnetized plasma in presence of rotationg ion beam"
    Sara Abbasi, Shayan Abbasi Rostami, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    7th conference on engineering and physics of plasma, No 7 , pp.294-297, 2019
  79. "Effect of an inhomogeneous external magnetic field on the self-focusing of a circular polarized laser beam in plasma"
    Reza Khuniki, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    7th conference on engineering and physics of plasma, No 7 , pp.452-456, 2019
  80. "Effect of laser pulse chirping on wakefield potential amplitude in inhomogenious plasma"
    Javad Sharifzadeh Tabrizi, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Reza Fallah, Ali reza Niknam
    7th conference on engineering and physics of plasma, No 7 , pp.507-510, 2019
  81. "Investigation of self-focusing of Gaussian laser beam with circular polarization in magnetized plasma"
    Reza Khuniki, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    The 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2019) and the 11th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2019), pp.973-976, 2019
  82. "Simulation of propagation of Terahertz pulse in a collision cold plasma slab with FDTD method"
    Hossein Delshad Hemat abadi, Reza Fallah, Seyed Mohammad Khorashadizadeh, Ali reza Niknam
    The 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2019) and the 11th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2019), No 25 , pp.953-956, 2019
  83. "Generation of terahertz vortex beam by the nonlinear interaction of two Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams with a collisional plasma background"
    Samaneh Safari, Bahram Jazi, Ali reza Niknam, Fazel Jahangiri
    , No 34 , pp.652-655, 2018
  84. "Propagation of Dyakonov surface waves in plasma metamaterials"
    Mostafa Moradi, Ali reza Niknam
    6th conference in ingineering and physics of plasmas, No 6 , pp.141-144, 2018
  85. "Effect of inhomogeneous external magnetic field on electrostatic ion cyclotron instability"
    R Sadeghi, Babak Mohammadhoseini, Saeed Majedi, Ali reza Niknam
    6th conference in ingineering and physics of plasmas, No 6 , pp.121-124, 2018
  86. "A mathematical description for the interaction of two laser beams with Laguerre and Hermite Gaussian profiles in a plasma background for new harmonic generation"
    Samaneh Safari, Bahram Jazi, Ali reza Niknam, Fazel Jahangiri
    6th conference in ingineering and physics of plasmas, No 6 , pp.188-191, 2018
  87. "Analytical study of space charge limited current in three different diode configurations"
    Mohammad Reza Kardgar, Ali reza Niknam
    6th conference in ingineering and physics of plasmas, No 6 , pp.107-110, 2018
  88. "Terahertz radiation generation by interaction of laser pulses with warm magnetized plasmas"
    Ali Abdolmaleki, Mahsa Sedaghat, Mohammadreza Banjafar, Sahar Barzegar, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam
    6th conference in ingineering and physics of plasmas, No 6 , pp.216-220, 2018
  89. "Pulse shape effect on backward Raman amplification of laser pulse propagating through a plasma"
    Ehsan Imani, Ali reza Niknam, Bentolhoda Bokaei
    The fifth Conference of Engineering and Physics of Plasma, pp.503-506, 2017
  90. "Simulation of magnetized plasma gratings produced by laser-plasma interaction"
    Mahsa Sedaghat, Mohammadreza Banjafar, Sahar Barzegar, Ali reza Niknam
    The fifth Conference of Engineering and Physics of Plasma, No 5 , pp.534-537, 2017
  91. "Generation of attosecond pulses by interaction of short laser pulses with an underdense plasma"
    Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam, Davood Kamizi, Mohammadreza Banjafar
    The fifth Conference of Engineering and Physics of Plasma, No 5 , pp.559-562, 2017
  92. "Effect Anisotropic Ion Temperature on Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Instability"
    Roghaieh Sadeghi, Babak Mohammadhosseini, Ali reza Niknam, Masoud Barati Moqadam Niyat
    The fifth Conference of Engineering and Physics of Plasma, No 5 , pp.80-83, 2017
  93. "Simulation of interaction of femtosecond laser pulse with Hydrogen cluster"
    Fatemeh Sadat Emamian, Ali reza Niknam
    The fifth Conference of Engineering and Physics of Plasma, No 5 , pp.514-517, 2017
  94. "Electrostatic ion cyclotron instability in the presence of two types of ions"
    Roghaieh Sadeghi, Babak Mohammadhosseini, Ali reza Niknam
    5th Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, No 5 , pp.1-6, 2017
  95. ""
    Neda Boroumand, Tayebe Mahinroosta, Seyedeh Mehri Hamidi Sangdehi, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 4 , pp.1-4, 2016
  96. ""
    Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Mohammad Rezaei, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , 2016
  97. "Evolution of wWakefield derived by chirped laser pulse in inhomogeneous plasma"
    Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , pp.164-167, 2016
  98. "Solitary waves in a plasma with nonthermal electrons featuring Tsallis distribution"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 4 , pp.139-142, 2016
  99. "Role of positrons on electrostatic ion cyclotron instability in collisional regime"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 4 , pp.98-101, 2016
  100. "Dispersion relation and growth rate of oscillating two-stream instability in a collisionless cold plasma in the presence of negative ions"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 4 , pp.130-134, 2016
  101. "Dispersion of dust ion-acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 4 , pp.204-207, 2016
  102. "Time evaluation of the angular distribution of terahertz radiation from plasma produced by two-color laser pulses"
    Mortaza Karimi, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , pp.5-8, 2016
  103. "Density ramp and relativistic ponderomotive effects on propagation of rippled laser beam and the excitation of Electron plasma wave in plasmas"
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Mohammad Hosseini
    , No 4 , pp.143-147, 2016
  104. ""
    Mina Akhyani, Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    2nd Iranian Particle Accelerators Conference (IranPAC2015), 2015
  105. "Optimizing the electron dynamics in laser Plane Wave Field with arbitrary polarization"
    Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Reza Massudi, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2015
  106. "Phase velocity evolution of chirped and unchirped laser pulse in electron acceleration"
    Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , 2015
  107. "Effect of temporal shape of chirped laser pulse on plasma wake field"
    Ali reza Niknam, Fazel Jahangiri
    , 2015
  108. "Propagation of Gaussian laser beam in warm collisional plasma under temperature and plasma density ramp"
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , No 3 , pp.489-492, 2015
  109. "Optimizing Chirped Laser Parameters for Electron Acceleration in Vacuum"
    Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , pp.509-512, 2015
  110. "Particle in Cell Simulation of the Weibel Instability in a Current Carrying Plasma"
    Azam Shiralinezhad, Hoda Moghadasin, Homa Roozbahani, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.344-347, 2015
  111. "Relativistic self-focusing and self-compression of Gaussian laser pulses through the magnetized plasma with density ramp up"
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ehsan Imani, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.372-375, 2015
  112. "Viscosity effect on the propagation of surface plasmons"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.404-407, 2015
  113. "Effects of negative ions and collisions on oscillating two-stream instability of electromagnetic waves"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.429-432, 2015
  114. "Magnetized Complex Plasma under Gravity Stability Switching and Stationary Structure"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.553-556, 2015
  115. "Nonlinear interactions between surface electron waves and ion oscillations"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.400-403, 2015
  116. "Influence of weak electric field on dust magneto-gravitational drift wave"
    Mostafa Salahshoor, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.557-560, 2015
  117. "Effect of ion-dust collision on dust-acoustic wave in an inhomogegenous dusty plasma"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.549-552, 2015
  118. "Collisional Effects on the Jeans instability of self-gravitating dusty plasma in the presence of polarization force"
    Ali reza Niknam
    , No 3 , pp.561-564, 2015
  119. "Optimizing the electron dynamics in Plane Wave Laser Field in Vacuum"
    Mohammad Rezaeie Pandari, Mina Akhyani, Fazel Jahangiri, Ali reza Niknam, Reza Massudi
    , pp.485-488, 2015
  120. ""
    Mohammadreza Khaje Mirzaei, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 21 , pp.157-160, 2015
  121. ""
    Saharsadat Shariati, Arham Amouye Foumani, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 21 , pp.589-592, 2015
  122. ""
    Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam, Saeed Ghasemi
    , pp.1824-1827, 2014
  123. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2014
  124. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , No 2 , pp.1-4, 2014
  125. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , No 2 , 2014
  126. ""
    Hamidreza Ghomi marzdashti, Ali reza Niknam
    , pp.209-212, 2014
  127. ""
    Hoda Moghadasin, Fatemeh Bagheri, Davood Kamizi, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 2 , 2014
  128. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2014
  129. ""
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Javad Taginajad, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 2 , 2014
  130. ""
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 20 , pp.557-560, 2014
  131. ""
    Morteza Ashoor, Ali reza Niknam
    , No 20 , pp.1597-1600, 2014
  132. "Numerical calculation of the Hydrogen molecule ground state using coherent states"
    Mohammadreza Eidi, Ali reza Niknam,
    , No 16 , pp.234-236, 2013
  133. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2013
  134. ""
    Parisa Sadat Mostafavi, Mostafa Salahshoor, Davood Kamizi, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  135. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  136. ""
    Homa Rouzbahani, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dehaghani, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  137. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2013
  138. ""
    Bentolhoda Bokaei, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  139. ""
    - -, Ali reza Niknam,
    , pp.1-4, 2013
  140. ""
    Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dehaghani, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  141. ""
    Masomeh Masoudi, Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2013
  142. ""
    Ahmadreza Rastkar, Javad Taginajad, Ali reza Niknam
    , 2012
  143. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2012
  144. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2012
  145. ""
    Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dahaghani, Ali reza Niknam, Bentolhoda Bokaei
    , 2012
  146. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2012
  147. ""
    Hoda Moghadasin, Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    , 2012
  148. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2012
  149. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2012
  150. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2012
  151. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2012
  152. ""
    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2011
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    Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2011
  154. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  155. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  156. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  157. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  158. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2011
  159. ""
    Ali reza Niknam, Saber Abdi Rokni, Ahmadreza Rastkar
    , 2010
  160. ""
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri, Mojtaba Hashemzadeh Dehaghani
    , 2009
  161. ""
    Babak Shokri, Ali reza Niknam,
    , 2008
  162. ""
    Ali reza Niknam, Babak Shokri
    , pp.1-2, 2007
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    Ali reza Niknam,
    , pp.1-4, 2007
  164. ""
    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2006
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    Ali reza Niknam
    , 2006